Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Dead Crow

The Dead Crow

He saw a dead crow
in a drain 'ARHHH ARHHH ARHHH' its scream before dead!!
near the post office.

He saw an old man
coughing....'OUGH OUGH OUGH'
and a baby barely able to breathe
in a crowded clinic because that old man's coughing very smell,causes the baby unable to breathe.

The land is so suck.
Why should we suffer like this? that old man really suck,no manner,coughing then no need go out la! haiz....

I want clean air
for my children because that old folk why don't leave? pollution to air...

I want the damned old fool
to leave the clinic alone.
I want baby to grow,
the air run free,
and the earth covered with fresh air...

Let the doctor plan
whether should let the old folk survive or not?
now and always.


Ettkeric said...

it's a story you have read or it's a true story?

风向师 said...

This is secondary school literature la,u never study meh? i just modify it only! haha! ;-p funny hor?

roLand said...

yea...i'm the DEAD CROW after the stupid material paper...