Friday, December 5, 2008


Perhaps u think that I am not even your friend, maybe I am just using u, when need your help. But I am just wanted to tell u, I am not!!! Since when I know u? I think it should be 2005, rite?
I became seldom talk to u, how come? I also don’t know why? Sometimes I getting want to make u cheers, but I can’t do it, I don’t know how to do it? Maybe just even your smile or laugh, I will feel relief although that you is not really happy at all! Really hope that u can come back to us, release yourself, I am welcome you!!! Whether you treat as a true friend or hello, good bye friend, it doesn’t matter, in my heart, you are my Bro always and always….


Ann Nee said...

SF :: i have a similar post like urs .. read my msn blog .. =)

FML said...

Live your own life!