Monday, June 22, 2009




Silencer said...

刚开始的路,越难走,就越要走下去。因为,苦过后,就是甜。朋友,记得,关关难过关关过。Let us fight for our future...Gambate!!!

- roLand -

Ettkeric said...

No, no, it was just a start. We are still young, we need more experience to make ourselves stronger. The way can be so hard but it can be a treasure. Gambateh, your friends will be always with you when you feel down.

Jackson_teoh said...

Dont think too much la..Find a girlfriend then u will feel life is fantastic and wonderful...He he he. Fight for ur future..ok.

FML said...

"Dont think too much la..." became Jackson's 'kou tou tan'. Not "dont think too much", is "dont think too much la..." :D

In every conversation between you and him, there's a "dont think too much la..."

Mine is "wtf" hahahaha